If you find yourself in the ironic position of having delivered the spoils of a successful career to the feet of your Queen -- and what that looks like is a lifestyle that most women could only ever dream about -- yet, your wife tells you that she’s not happy... and the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard for is not enough... If in your heart you know you’re a good man... a Christian believer, who loves his wife and hasn’t done anything really terrible to her... it’s just that for whatever reason... the love you feel inside -- no matter how much you want her to see it, and feel it -- seems locked inside you... and it is not resonating with her... And you understand that all of your business success is worthless without the love of your life to share it with -- but also that with her in your corner... what you’ve built in your high-achieving, successful, professional career life has the potential to create a lifestyle that is exactly what you dream of creating... with a loving, comforting, appreciative, supportive, respectful, and playful partner... what that looks like for you, for her, for your kids, and for what you want to give back to others? Is the Have It All Life. Well, my brother. You’re in the right place. In this pod-cast... which you’ll often hear me refer to as Bob-Cast, and The Book of Bob... I detail my own journey... of building a big, global business... that has touched every single person in the U.S. and most people in the world... And how, looking back, there was a clear relationship showing that the more successful I became in business, the less successful I became in marriage... resulting in the two of us sharing tremendous financial success... AND... a very miserable marriage... And more importantly how I fixed it. So if you’ve ever wondered... ”How can a man have a big business that matters... and a big marriage and family life that makes everything worth it... all at the same time... in a way that he creates synergy... such that the better his business gets, the easier and happier his marriage gets... and the easier and happier his marriage gets... the better his business gets... then, my brother... this.is. for. you.W Welcome to the Have It All Marriage for the Have It All Life.
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Four Warning Signs That Your Wife Might Leave You, Cheat on You, or Divorce You
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Reflecting on 25,000 conversations with men, here are the four key signs that could signal your wife is getting ready to leave, cheat or divorce you. Stunningly, each sign individually is an indicator, but together, they paint a clearer picture.
Sign one: Focused self-improvement. When she becomes more dedicated to her appearance, health, and overall wellbeing. This could mean frequent visits to the gym, a refined diet, or a noticeable upgrade in her wardrobe. A step further could be veering towards cosmetic surgery. If she's also committing more to her career or even furthering her education, she could be securing financial independence to prepare for life apart from you.
Sign two: She becomes easier to get along with. The nagging, bickering, and criticism stops abruptly. This seems positive, but can mean you are no longer tracking with her emotionally and do not fully understand what she's going through.
Sign three involves communication - or lack thereof. Suddenly, conversations become surface-level, and your deep emotional connection dissipates. She's living her life independently and you're being kept in the dark. The crux of the matter is when she stops sharing her heart with you. Persistent phases of sadness may occur, and if she responds to your concerns with "I'm just tired," it is a glaring red flag.
Now brace yourself for sign four, which might baffle you. Your sex life experiences an unexpected boost. You may falsely perceive this as a positive turning point, but it could indicate something else. Especially, if there is a hint of any of the previous signs. She might be fantasizing about another man, and channel all those feelings into a sexual connection with you.
While these signs can be unsettling, there are ways to respond. If her focus is on self-improvement, then elevate your self-improvement game as well. If she becomes easier to get along with, work on becoming more likable yourself. Make your conversations meaningful by sharing your emotions and encouraging her to do the same. In terms of increased sex drive, let these intimate moments help build a stronger bond.
Get help when you notice presence of these indicators. Discover more ways to counteract these signs effectively at www.realmanrevolution.com.
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Three Powerful Steps to Make Your Wife Feel Loved
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
In this episode, we cover three simple yet effective ways to make your wife feel more loved than ever before. Even if your communication is currently falling on deaf ears and your efforts seem unappreciated, these actionable steps backed by biblical lessons can turn your situation around.
The first step is about redemption and patience. We encourage you to be the source of unconditional understanding, the safe space where she is allowed to be human, to have her ups and downs without being judged or punished. Just as Jesus Christ receives us with an abundance of love, kindness, and forgiveness even when we wrong him, try to rise above your frustrations and meet her indiscretions with the redemptive Christ-like forgiving love.
The second step urges you to lead with Christian masculinity. Without becoming a harsh ruler, lead your wife in a self-sacrificial way, just as Jesus did. Resist the temptation to misuse your power. Instead, use your strength and authority to serve your wife and make her feel cherished and safe. God wants us to lead out of love, not self-interest, reminding us to steer clear from practices that can make our loved ones feel worthless, isolated, and ashamed.
In the third step, you are reminded to put your wife second only to God. Let her feel loved by not making her compete with your work, hobbies, children, or self-interests. Prioritize her, be present for her and make her feel like she's the most important thing in your life. As Jesus gives us first priority, let's mirror that with our wives.
By following these steps, not only will you make your wife feel loved, you also strengthen the bond and spiritual connection in your marriage. For more guidance on this transformation journey, visit www.realmanrevolution.com.
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Avoid These Four Fatal Mistakes to Save Your Marriage
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Knowing how to navigate the stormy waters of a troubled marriage can be daunting. This content is made to help you avoid the four critical mistakes that could end your marriage during its early stages. The decisions you make during this critical period can either put your marriage on a path towards reconciliation and happiness or lead towards an unfortunate end.
The first mistake to avoid is not acting like a wise and mature man. In such situations, emotions run high with a mixture of panic, anger, and desperation. However, one must learn to suppress these destructive feelings and show a strong, confident, and loving front to the spouse. Remember, this is not a time for blaming or pleading but a time for understanding and acceptance.
The second error is the lack of leadership within the marriage. You can't force a mindset change through manipulative tactics or pressure but rather, you should be leading by being attractive in all aspects – physically, emotionally, and mentally. The key is pulling her towards you, not pushing her into a situation she no longer finds comfortable or rewarding.
The third fatal misstep is failing to act as a considerate and understanding husband. If your wife doesn't feel liked, loved, respected, and safe, then your role as a husband isn't being adequately performed. Strive to make your wife feel better in every interaction, and with time, this will reshape the dynamics of your strained relationship.
So, immerse yourself in this insightful content, learn to avoid these fatal mistakes, and revive your marriage, ensuring it works better and leads to a blissful future.
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Christian Man: Here's How to Get More Sex
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
In this enlightening and inspiration-packed episode with experienced counselor Bob Gerais, the focus is on amplifying intimacy levels in Christian marriages. Likening to the operations of a restaurant, this talk unravels the mystery of a couple's sex life, offering actionable remedies to revive what may seem like a dwindling 'restaurant'. The core aspects of fostering love, respect, understanding, and making your spouse feel cherished are discussed.
Loaded with practical tips and effective strategies, this comprehensive guide is designed to help you understand the key elements for nurturing marital intimacy. From warming up techniques and active participation in house chores to leveraging the power of anticipation and preparation, each aspect is meticulously covered in this talk.
The paramount importance of aftercare is brought to light, offering a new perspective on this often-neglected facet of preserving intimate relationships. Dive into this informational episode to learn how to honor the divine gift of love and marriage with consistent tender, loving and sweet romantic moments, making your spouse feel cherished all the way.
This episode doesn't shy away from discussing the emotional and biological complexities associated with lovemaking and sexual intimacy within a Christian marriage. Commonly held misconceptions are addressed, and practical advice is provided to help create a fulfilling and reciprocally satisfying sexual relationship.
Furthermore, the harmful impact of pornography on marital relationships is examined. The key lies in promoting confidence and respecting your spouse's sexual identity. Book recommendations for those yearning to refine their lovemaking approach are also included. Ultimately, this episode serves as a comprehensive guide to enhancing mutual pleasure, leading to more frequent and enjoyable intimate moments.
Take the first step towards a healthier, more intimate marital relationship by reaching out via www.realmanrevolution.com. Remember, building an emotional trust foundation with patience, love, appreciation, and kindness can transform your marriage into a thriving environment of intimacy. Love your wife as Christ loved the church — with all your heart, mind, and soul, and watch your marriage truly flourish.
Friday Feb 09, 2024
25 -How to Love Your Wife
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
In this episode, we take a deep dive into Ephesians 5:25, exploring the interpretation of the scripture and its application in marriage. The speaker connects biblical teachings to practical marital guidance, examining what it means for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. The discussion helps to dispel the misconception that accepting Jesus and reading verses is all it takes. Instead, the speaker emphasizes the need for personal growth and transformation to be more Christ-like in order to fulfill this mandate.
The conversation revolves around the importance of sanctification and practicing the virtues of sufferance, selfless service, and grace-filled forgiveness in marriage. The speaker outlines these principles as the underlying formula for a life-changing reinterpretation of being a man and a husband under the teaching of Ephesians 5:25. Delving into elements of chivalry, the speaker draws parallels between the medieval demonstration of respect and modern responsibility in marriage.
The speaker urges men to serve and forgive without expectations, highlighting the strength and power that come with humility and selflessness. Ephesians 5:25 underscores the need for men to love their wives unconditionally, irrespective of their flaws. The episode ends, emphasizing the need for personal sanctification, appealing to men to take a commitment to the purge of their sins for a transformed Christ-like character.
Join the speaker on this enlightening journey of reflection, introspection, and commitment to transformation in the quest to become more like Jesus in our marriages. This is the first step of many more towards understanding what it means to be an Ephesians 5:25 husband.
For a more comprehensive understanding and unraveling of layers two through 112, visit our website at www.realmanrevolution.com to fill out an application.
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Marriage Prayers Not Being Answered? 1 Peter 3:7
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Join Bob Gerace in this insightful episode as he explores how understanding and respecting your spouse, particularly within a religious context, can unravel the complexities of saving your marriage. Listen as Bob discusses how prayer, coupled with intentional actions to understand your spouse, can result in the divine working in favor of your marriage.
Invoking scriptures, Bob delves into why prayers for saving marriages might seem unanswered; highlighting that God isn't an automated fix-it tool, instead requiring individuals to practice understanding and respect towards their partners to nurture marital harmony. Learn from the insights of 1 Peter 3:7 on preserving your marriage with sensitivity and respect, shattering prevailing societal perceptions that breed misunderstanding and disjoint relationships.
In this episode, Bob also peels back the layers on the importance of providing a safe platform for your spouse to be vulnerable. Through sharing expert findings from years of breakthrough calls and coaching programs, he reveals critical information about women's expectations in a relationship. Uncover how understanding your spouse better opens doors for effective prayers and divine support to heal your marriage.
Throughout the episode, Bob stresses the vitality of creating a conducive environment where spouses can openly discuss their deepest inner thoughts and emotional needs. Realize the profound benefit of making daily deposits into your spouse's emotional bank account to foster trust and bring down the walls of fears and insecurities.
The critical lesson, Bob emphasises, is that although God plays a significant role in your marriage, you must also put in the work. Learn more about how to effectively communicate and make your spouse feel valued and safe by reaching out to us over at www.realmanrevolution.com. With countless success stories, find out how understanding your wife can lead to answered prayers and a transformed marriage.
Monday Jan 29, 2024
What to Say to Your Wife When Things Go Wrong
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
In this enlightening episode, host Bob Gerace uncovers essential strategies for successfully navigating marital communication, especially in moments of strain or misunderstanding. Providing valuable insights into emotional triage and relationship repair, the episode underscores the significance of not just what you communicate but how you communicate it, with an emphasis on empathy, patience, and respectful boundaries.
As the chief initiating officers in repair activities, men are encouraged to be deliberate and anticipate possible rejection as a part of the process. The episode dives into the key role of clear and honest communication in preserving long-term relationships, guiding men on expressing remorse and taking responsibility, as well as persevering through repeated rejection to restore balance and harmony.
By highlighting the importance of personal accountability and inner growth, Bob Gerace stresses the need to break repetitive patterns of hurt and to provide assurance of a blissful, unwavering union. The episode further emphasizes the power of maintaining integrity in the face of unjust accusations and nurturing growth rooted in prayer and communion with God.
Lastly, the presenter draws attention to the significance of a shared vision for the future of the marriage. A testament to the temporary nature of current issues and a blueprint for a happier future, a common plan comprising missions, values, targets, and goals reassures a spouse of the strength and longevity of the relationship. This episode serves as a vital guide for men keen on reinforcing their marital bonds of trust and love.
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
2 Tips for Better Conversations with Your Wife
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
This video will provide you with unique insights and practical techniques to improve the quality of difficult conversations with your spouse. These techniques are not suggested as a long-term solution to marital issues but can help in the short term. This video explains how a change in your expression and attitude can make a significant difference in conversations with your wife, particularly when dealing with difficult topics. Furthermore, you'll learn tips and tricks to repeat back what your wife says accurately, understand her emotions, and respond correctly. You'll also discover ancillary techniques such as slowing down your breathing and talking and lowering your tone during difficult conversations.Please keep in mind that using these techniques does not signify a real transformation in your attitude towards managing marital issues but can help alleviate tension during tough conversations. Employ these hacks with discretion, and don't merely rely on them as a solution for all marital issues. For a deeper understanding of marital issues and their resolutions, explore our masterclass programs at www.realmanrevolution.com. This video aims to help you keep 'Your Face in the Right Place' during difficult conversations with your wife, guiding you towards a path to better communication and, consequently, a happier married life.
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
The #1 Marriage Killer that Nobody Talks About
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
✅ In this episode, Bob Gerace talks about the #1 Marriage Killer that nobody talks about.
Monday Jan 22, 2024
How to BE the Christian Man for Your Wife
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
✅ In this episode, Bob Gerace talks about what it means to be the Christian man for your wife.
FREE ON-DEMAND CLASS 🎯 The 5 Simple Steps Any Faith Based Business Man Who Loves His Wife Can Take To Save His Marriage Within 6-8 Weeks: https://start.realmanrevolution.com/win-her-back-in-8-weeks
📘 Client Results https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6TMh0_ffytAlMDZ2chBTrvioq78YN-P6
📘 Connect With Bob Gerace
➡️ FB Page: Real Man Revolution for the Have it All Marriage: https://www.facebook.com/REALManRevolution
➡️ FB Group: Have it All Marriage Christian Brotherhood https://www.facebook.com/groups/haveitallmarriage
📘 Have it All Marriage Podcast
➡️ https://podcast.realmanrevolution.com/ or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-have-it-all-marriage-for-the-have-it-all-life/id1569900877
📘Lead Your Wife Podcast
➡️ https://podcast.leadyourwife.com/ or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lead-your-wife-a-podcast-for-christian-men-who/id1625758913
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