If you find yourself in the ironic position of having delivered the spoils of a successful career to the feet of your Queen -- and what that looks like is a lifestyle that most women could only ever dream about -- yet, your wife tells you that she’s not happy... and the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard for is not enough... If in your heart you know you’re a good man... a Christian believer, who loves his wife and hasn’t done anything really terrible to her... it’s just that for whatever reason... the love you feel inside -- no matter how much you want her to see it, and feel it -- seems locked inside you... and it is not resonating with her... And you understand that all of your business success is worthless without the love of your life to share it with -- but also that with her in your corner... what you’ve built in your high-achieving, successful, professional career life has the potential to create a lifestyle that is exactly what you dream of creating... with a loving, comforting, appreciative, supportive, respectful, and playful partner... what that looks like for you, for her, for your kids, and for what you want to give back to others? Is the Have It All Life. Well, my brother. You’re in the right place. In this pod-cast... which you’ll often hear me refer to as Bob-Cast, and The Book of Bob... I detail my own journey... of building a big, global business... that has touched every single person in the U.S. and most people in the world... And how, looking back, there was a clear relationship showing that the more successful I became in business, the less successful I became in marriage... resulting in the two of us sharing tremendous financial success... AND... a very miserable marriage... And more importantly how I fixed it. So if you’ve ever wondered... ”How can a man have a big business that matters... and a big marriage and family life that makes everything worth it... all at the same time... in a way that he creates synergy... such that the better his business gets, the easier and happier his marriage gets... and the easier and happier his marriage gets... the better his business gets... then, my brother... this.is. for. you.W Welcome to the Have It All Marriage for the Have It All Life.

Monday Jan 29, 2024
What to Say to Your Wife When Things Go Wrong
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
In this enlightening episode, host Bob Gerace uncovers essential strategies for successfully navigating marital communication, especially in moments of strain or misunderstanding. Providing valuable insights into emotional triage and relationship repair, the episode underscores the significance of not just what you communicate but how you communicate it, with an emphasis on empathy, patience, and respectful boundaries.
As the chief initiating officers in repair activities, men are encouraged to be deliberate and anticipate possible rejection as a part of the process. The episode dives into the key role of clear and honest communication in preserving long-term relationships, guiding men on expressing remorse and taking responsibility, as well as persevering through repeated rejection to restore balance and harmony.
By highlighting the importance of personal accountability and inner growth, Bob Gerace stresses the need to break repetitive patterns of hurt and to provide assurance of a blissful, unwavering union. The episode further emphasizes the power of maintaining integrity in the face of unjust accusations and nurturing growth rooted in prayer and communion with God.
Lastly, the presenter draws attention to the significance of a shared vision for the future of the marriage. A testament to the temporary nature of current issues and a blueprint for a happier future, a common plan comprising missions, values, targets, and goals reassures a spouse of the strength and longevity of the relationship. This episode serves as a vital guide for men keen on reinforcing their marital bonds of trust and love.